游戏中按 ~ 开启控制台,输入以下秘籍回车确认可得到对应效果:
秘籍 | 作用 |
god | 无敌模式 开/关 |
notarget | 隐形模式 开/关 |
killall | 杀死屏幕上的敌人 |
killovums | 杀死屏幕上的所有Ovum |
gametasksdone | 完成当前关 |
give [item code] | 制造物品 |
pausegame | 暂停游戏 |
suicide | 自杀 |
spawn | ? |
dumpstate | ? |
dumpenabledpawns | ? |
dumpallsv | ? |
dumpallcl | ? |
printstats | ? |
+defend | ? |
-defend | ? |
godmode | ? |
angerofwarriors | ? |
touchofacidbolts | ? |
upgrade | ? |
viewplayerstats | ? |
respawn | ? |
closeinfomsg | ? |
游戏中按 ~ 开启控制台,输入以下秘籍回车确认可得到对应效果:
秘籍 | 作用 |
give weapon_all | 所有武器 |
give specabilities_all | 所有特殊能力 |
give xp | 经验点 |
give mana | 绿色和蓝色法力最大 |
give stamina | 最大体力 |
give coins | 50硬币 |
give monstersouls | 100怪物的灵魂 |
give time | +5 分钟 |
give item_healthpotion | 1 合生药水 |
give item_superhealing | 1 超级生命药水 |
give item_fullregen | 1 回复药水 |
give item_respawn | 1 再生卵 |
游戏中按 ~ 开启控制台,输入以下秘籍回车确认可得到对应效果:
秘籍 | 作用 |
give ammo_soa | Ammo for Skull of Annihilation |
give armor | Armor |
give weapon_battleaxe | Battleaxe |
give weapon_handaxe | Handaxe |
give item_iconofcold | Icon of Cold |
give item_iconofdefense | Icon of Defense |
give item_iconofmight | Icon of Might |
give shield | Shield |
give weapon_soa | Skull of Annihilation |
give weapon_warhammer | Warhammer |
give weapon_warsword | Warsword |
give weapon_trimace | Trimace |
游戏中按 ~ 开启控制台,输入以下秘籍回车确认可得到对应效果:
秘籍 | 作用 |
give ammo_arrows | Arrows |
give ammo_bolts | Bolts |
give weapon_bow | Bow |
give weapon_crossbow | Crossbow |
give ammo_firearrows | Fire Arrows |
give weapon_firebow | Fire Bow |
give item_iconoffire | Icon of Fire |
give item_iconofinvisibility | Icon of Invisibility |
give item_iconofregeneration | Icon of Regeneration |
give weapon_scimitar | Scimitar |
give weapon_shortsword | Shortsword |
give ammo_skullbolts | Skullbolts |
give weapon_crossbow2 | Skullbolt Cast Crossbow |
give weapon_spear | Spear |
give ammo_swarmbitearrows | Swarmbite Arrows |
give weapon_swarmbitebow | Swarmbite Bow |