2、whl is not a supported wheel
“whl is not a supported wheel” is a common error message that programmers encounter when they are trying to install Python packages using the Python package manager, pip. This error message can be frustrating and confusing, especially for beginners.
In computer programming, a “wheel” refers to a binary package format for distributing Python libraries. It contains pre-compiled code that can be easily installed on a variety of operating systems. The .whl extension is used to identify these wheel files.
The error message “whl is not a supported wheel” usually occurs when you are trying to install a wheel file that is not compatible with your current version of Python or operating system. It could mean that the wheel file was built for a different Python version, or it may require dependencies that are not installed on your system.
To resolve this issue, you can try the following steps:
1. Check your Python version: Make sure that the wheel file you are trying to install is compatible with the version of Python installed on your system. You can check your Python version by running the command “python –version” in the terminal.
2. Update pip: Sometimes, updating pip to the latest version can help resolve compatibility issues. You can update pip by running the command “pip install –upgrade pip” in the terminal.
3. Verify dependencies: Double-check if all the required dependencies for the package are installed on your system. If not, you can install them using pip before trying to install the wheel file again.
4. Download a compatible wheel: If the above steps don’t work, you may need to look for a different version of the package that is compatible with your Python version and operating system. You can search for the package on the Python Package Index (PyPI) website and follow the instructions for installation.
In conclusion, the “whl is not a supported wheel” error message is an indication that the wheel file you are trying to install is not compatible with your current Python version or operating system. By following the steps mentioned above, you should be able to resolve this issue and successfully install the package.
Windows Installer文件夹是Windows操作系统中的一个重要组成部分,用于管理和安装软件程序。它包含了安装程序的相关文件和设置,以便在需要时进行软件的安装、修复或卸载。许多用户可能会注意到,Windows Installer文件夹的大小越来越大,占用了大量的磁盘空间。因此,有人可能会想知道是否可以删除这个文件夹以释放存储空间。
然而,删除Windows Installer文件夹是不推荐的。这是因为Windows Installer文件夹中包含的文件和设置对于系统正常运行是必需的。这些文件包括安装程序的组件和配置信息,如果删除这些文件,可能会导致安装程序无法正常运行或出现错误。
而且,Windows Installer文件夹通常只占用相对较小的磁盘空间,一般不会成为磁盘空间不足的主要原因。如果确实遇到磁盘空间不足的问题,更好的方法是通过删除一些不再需要的大型文件、清理临时文件或使用工具进行磁盘清理,而不是删除Windows Installer文件夹。
Windows Installer文件夹是非常重要的系统组件,不建议删除。如果您有磁盘空间不足的问题,建议您考虑其他方法来释放存储空间,以确保系统的正常运行。
接下来,我们打开PyCharm,并在主菜单中选择“File”,然后选择“Settings”(或者“Preferences”)。在设置窗口中,我们可以找到“Project”这一选项,并点击“Project Interpreter”。
在项目解释器设置中,我们可以看到当前使用的Python解释器。点击右侧的加号按钮,然后选择“Show all…”。在新打开的窗口中,我们可以看到已安装的库和可用的解释器。在顶部左侧的搜索框中,输入.whl文件的完整路径。